Protecting Your Child’s Teeth–Columbia SC Family Dentistry
Columbia SC Family Dentistry is very important to us. Contact us today to see how we can best serve your family.
“I’m hungry!” Parents hear these words daily from growing children and are called upon to provide a quick, edible solution. But what? In Columbia SC, caring family dentistry is provided by Dr. Griffin and his team at WildeWood Aesthetic Dentistry, and this includes caring for the oral needs of children along with educating them on how to prevent damage to teeth and gums.
What young ones eat and drink on a daily basis can affect not only their general health, but also their oral health. More than just taste or convenience should be involved in what parents choose to feed their child. Of course, most children are not overly concerned with how healthy a snack or meal is, so what can parents do to promote good health and protect their child’s smile?
1. Instill good habits- Help them to see the importance of their teeth. Train them how to brush and floss, and make sure that they keep up the routine. Speak positively about going to the dentist and schedule regular visits for the family, including your children.
2. Limit intake of sugar- Timing is a vital factor. When occasionally provided, sugary food and drinks should be consumed at mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals, neutralizing acid production and removing food particles from the mouth.
3. Provide healthy alternatives- Limit snack-time food and beverages that are loaded in sugar. Offering nutritious snack alternatives and using water as the beverage of choice between meals will promote healthier bodies and teeth.
Parents can, of course, set a good example for their children by applying these same principles to themselves here in Columbia SC. As a family dentistry professional, Dr. Griffin at WildeWood Aesthetic Dentistry would be happy to assist you and your family in promoting happy, healthy smiles. Columbia SC Family Dentistry is very important to us.